Monday, February 10, 2014

"What Could Be" a new monograph by David Hillard

David Hilliard’s panoramas direct the viewer’s gaze across the surface—allowing narrative, time and space to unfold.  He draws from personal histories to create new, imagined realities.  Hilliard has exhibited nationally and internationally, and is the recipient of prestigious awards including a Fulbright grant and Guggenheim fellowship. 
Exploring lives lived and imagined, what we long for and what we obtain, the photographs in What Could Be follow a semi-autobiographical progression of the artist’s explorations of family, societal norms, relationships, and moments of personal discovery in understanding concepts of masculinity.
Hilliard’s gentle diptychs and triptychs conjure a world that begins with our realities but moves beyond. He chooses to see, and to create, beauty in the narratives he imagines for himself, his friends, and striking strangers he encounters. Some of his subjects are frosted with perfect light and rich, dripping colors redolent of the peak of summer; others are subdued, bearing an uncertainty and fragility that so often accompanies the process of self-awareness.
The monograph includes an interview with the artist by Pam Houston and an essay by Ariel Levy. 
"What Could Be" is currently in production by Minor Matters Books. Find out more here.